Support CPA

CPA needs your help to continue organizing the working-class Chinese community in San Francisco. image%2813%29.png

Join us in building a grassroots movement.

Make a one-time donation!

You can make a one-time donation. Gifts of all sizes are welcome and greatly appreciated. 

Become a sustainer! 

You can make a recurring donation and help us to continue building the grassroots leadership of low-income, working class immigrants. You can set up recurring donations and give monthly or quarterly.

Send a check!

If you would like to send a check instead, please make checks out to Chinese Progressive Association and mail to 1212 Broadway Ste. 700, Oakland, CA 94612. Note your preference about the public disclosure below.

CPA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.


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Our work to improve the livelihood of working and immigrant families means that we participate in public lobbying to educate voters on issues and propositions impacting our communities. Because of our lobbying work, donations are required to be publicly disclosed unless you indicate that your contribution is not to be used towards that work. Please indicate your preference below:

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